Photo of DNA Lab by University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability

DNA tests can be a important tool in solving historical mysteries.

If there are no more surviving historical records, DNA tests can help you take your tree back further and identify “lost” ancestors.

These tests also can determine whether you might have adoptions, name changes, or children born out of wedlock in your ancestral past. Through analysis of DNA matches, it’s possible to identify biological ancestors from centuries ago.


The following are examples of DNA-related questions that I typically receive from questions:

  1. My ancestor was adopted. Can you help me identify their biological parents?

  2. I don’t recognize my DNA matches. Is it possible that one of my ancestors had an affair that produced a child? If so, who?

  3. I’m unable to figure out the parents of my ancestor through historical research. Can DNA help me take my tree back further?

  4. My ethnicity estimate includes __________. When did that come into my line?

Find out more about my process & project rates

My services include the following:

  • Analysis of autosomal, Y-DNA, and mtDNA tests
  • Determining how you’re related to your DNA matches and identifying common ancestors
  • Ethnicity breakdown analysis
  • Providers:, 23andMe, FamilyTreeDNA, MyHeritage, GEDMatch


Order DNA tests using my referral links: